My youngest daughter has a special way of dealing with hard times. She will take over my bathroom, light dozens of candles, run the bath tub full with bubbles, turn on a DVD (usually a cartoon) and soak her troubles away for hours. Yes, I said HOURS. With Gary being gone this week, and not getting to talk to him I just wanted to escape from those familiar thoughts that enter my mind at times like these. (Isn't it funny how we focus on what we are missing instead of rejoicing in what is right before our eyes!) I thought I would try Cari's prescription for trouble chasers. I didn't want to watch the Cartoon DVD, so I opted for a book. While thumbing through the book and enjoying the warm water and the bubbles, a card dropped out that I must have bought and used as a bookmark. I have to admit the message from the card was much better than the book. It was a cartoon monkey with "Hang In There" on the front. Inside the card read, "Sometimes hard times are good times that just take a little longer to ripen." and the verse "....God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 NIV.
At first, I was just amazed that God had had me buy that card, read that book, and leave that card in that book so I could find it today. It's amazing some of the ways He lets me know that He is near.
Then I couldn't help but think about the times we characterized our lives as hard times. Every instance I could recall, I also saw where God had taken something we thought was a "hard time" or a bad thing and made it something to bring Him Glory. He has such a better imagination than I do. I am glad our life isn't limited to my plans and date book. His plan has been so much better than I could have ever imagined - even in those hard times. Oh I don't want you to think that if I had seen in advance what we have walked through so far, that I would have just grabbed Gary's hand and said Come On. I wish I was that spiritual - But I don't see how we could be this close now without all we have shared together.
Thanks for listening to me ramble, but I just want to share the bottom line:
Girls (all of our girls): Keep your eyes on Jesus, no matter where you are or what you are going through. You can trust Christ completely. Bad things happen - we are in a fallen world and there is death, sickness, distruction, etc. We are not in the perfect Heaven and Earth, but we will be one day. But you can trust Him completely. Start every morning with HIM.
My married girls: Pray to Him and pray with him. Take everything to Jesus - keep in your mind the picture of Christ sitting at your breakfast table waiting with that cup of coffee to talk to you about your day. He is with you. Pray with him - pray with your husband. That is so important. And if you haven't started yet, just ask him. He may be waiting on you to just ask. Also pray for him - and pray for his wife!
To all of you....you can get through anything! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
1 comment:
Thank you for this posting, I really needed it today. I'm certain that God did all of those things so you would post this for us. I (and all the other people you love on!) appreciate your support and advice, and I know you're the one person I can run to when things overwhelm me. Thank you for being my second mom! :)
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